The Thanksgiving Post

Conversion Rates:  In kg I seem incredibly thin and in shillings I seem incredible wealthy.

New Friends: Peace Corps manages to take people from rival schools or rival cities, opposing religious or opposing political beliefs, vegetarians and carnivores, bullies and the bullied, geniuses and idiots, the well-traveled and small town lifers, the gangsta rap and the Christian rock listeners…and help them form unparalleled friendships.

Chocolate: aka…the cure all.

Love at First Site: I doubted this existed but after lingering looks and whispers of “I love you”, offers of sons from mothers, offers of brothers from sisters, proclamations that portraits of me will be added in homes, offers for acres of land, outright flirting from husbands in front of their wives…it certainly must exist. (that’s the only way to explain this behavior, right?)

Support of Family: I’m a lucky kid. Letters, personalized books, iPads, packages, storing my things, funny emails, new music, corn tortillas, perfectly timed text messages…this list could really go on and on…before I realize that I need it these super-humans, my family and friends, have already managed to get it to me in the nick of time.
